Peter Strand for Montana


We need to solve the real problems facing Montana.

We have so many challenges facing our state, and rather than do the hard work of confronting them head-on, State leadership has focused on dividing and attacking. A few Montanans are gaining at the expense of the rest of us. Montana deserves much better. We need our government to work for all of us rather than just for a few. I’m ready to be part of the change, part of the solution.


I realized making calls and sending emails wasn't enough.

After nearly thirty years of serving Bozeman as an educator, I’m ready to make the leap to serving Bozeman as a legislator.

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If, like me, you’re worn out with what's happening in Helena...

But you do want to roll up your sleeves, listen to others and work together to find a solution. Reach out. Share your thoughts. Sign up for a yard sign. Sign up to volunteer. Sign up to be kept in the loop.